I have struggled with what I wanted to be when I was a "grown-up" for my entire life. I remember in high school saying that I was going to be an engineer, an architect, an actuary.....or pretty much anything that would make me rich. And then in college it was a personal trainer, an exercise scientist, a coach, a missionary, and finally a physician assistant. Unfortunately none of these things have anything to do with my real childhood dreams to be: 1. A mommy, or 2. A singer. Any of you who knew me as a child know that these were probably the only two "girly" characteristics I had growing up. All other attributes were strictly BOY. I wore boy clothes, played with boys, had a boy haircut....I even tried walking, talking and peeing like a boy (and I'm pretty sure my mom caught me doing the last one). But anyway! When I wasn't climbing trees and playing in the mud with frogs, I was probably playing house.....and I was definitely singing while doing all of the above.
So when I was talking to my parents the other night about my future, I made a bold remark against God......He definitely forgot to make me musically talented! Seriously, what was He thinking?! I mean, I almost never stop singing or listening to music.....and I have a whoooooole lot of emotions that could make for some killer lyrics. Therefore, I have decided to ignore my musical handicap and write a song. I have absolutely NO IDEA how to do such a thing. My mom said it's like writing a poem.....well I suck at writing poems. In addition to this obvious set-back, I don't play an instrument or have the right notes to pair with my doomed lyrics. But I'm determined! So wish me luck! And if you're one of my musical friends reading this, I may put you to work at making a tune! :)