Thursday, February 2, 2012

Skinny love

Surprisingly, I was first introduced to Bon Iver when I was in Uganda. Not surprisingly, the introducers were hipster boys from California. I specifically remember that "Skinny Love" was the first song I heard. And even though the only distinguishable lyrics to me at that point were "come on, skinny love something something here...," I found that I couldn't get it out of my head! And now, three and a half years later, I still can't get it out of my head! I just love it!

I cannot, however, say the same for the best roommate in the world, Amy Luke, who expressed her annoyance at hearing it every time I got a text message. But in my defense, I would like to argue that anyone who has "Save Tonight" as their ringer for 4 years has no room to complain....just sayin' ;)

So anyway, I would like to dedicate this to my dearest Amy. It's been far too long since you've unwillingly listened to this song....

(ps. I love you!)

Oh, and while I'm on the topic of Bon Iver....I'm obsessed with his cover of "I can't make you love me." Check it out:

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