Friday, December 30, 2011

And the world spins madly on...

It has been an eventful break, to say the least....

Montana. Christmas extravaganzas. Catching up with friends and family and a fair share of curve balls to top it all off. Just last night, for example, I hit a deer. I knew it would happen someday. Living where I do it's pretty inevitable, but it was still a shock nonetheless. After three bullets from a policeman, the poor deer is out of her misery but my car, on the other hand, is still feelin' the pain...

Now I'm back in Marietta with moms car and feeling exhausted from the whirlwind of events these last couple weeks....and there are still a few more surprises to come before class starts. I wouldn't object to another break to recover from this one. But hey, "the world spins madly on" (credit to The Weepies for their lyrics) and all we can do is make the best of each day.

This isn't The Weepies' song just mentioned, but it's another of my favorites by Sara Bareilles:

(think we have enough guitars at our house?!)

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