Monday, October 10, 2011

"It's the people..."

...but not the townspeople (aka "townies") as the Hillsdale welcome-sign implies. In fact, if you were to judge Hillsdale by the quality of most townies, you may not leave with the best of impressions. But if you were to base your judgements upon the character and community of Hillsdale College, the statement truly maintains it's integrity.

I believe I will always remember my four years at Hillsdale College as one of the best experience of my life. It is where I learned the value of education, where I practiced my love of track, and most importantly, where I met my closest friends. I've become much more appreciative of all of this in the year and a half since graduation. Now that I'm in the "real world" and outside of Hillsdale's comfortable bubble, I've realized that the people of Hillsdale College truly are of a unique variety.....

And all of this just to say that it was great to be back for Homecoming with the people that I love and have shared this amazing experience with. All the hugs and shared laughter was refreshing, even if I am feeling a bit nostalgic in the aftermath. So to all my fellow Hillsdalians, thanks for making Hillsdale College the best school in the nation (Yeah, I said it...we're the best and I don't care if it's arrogant). I look forward to seeing you all next year!

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