Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Elderly Resolutions

I just returned from Montana this week and have so much that I want to share....but seeing that I have just spent the majority of my day asleep in bed, I should probably start doing something productive (like unpacking, cleaning, laundry and, most importantly, go to work...) instead of spending more time reliving my amazing weekend with you. I will save it for another time when I can give it more justice.

I do, however, have plenty of time to share this adorable little pleasure with you. After the new years, the director at my work sat with a few residents and discussed their New Years Resolutions. I found them posted on the wall when I got to work yesterday and I couldn't help but 1.) chuckle and 2.) hope to take their advice:

-Male 1: Partake in an alcoholic beverage now and then
............What a GREAT idea! I only have 5 more months in Okemos to try The Traveler's Club's 200+ beers
-Female 1: Play more Bingo
............My family played Bingo at Christmas, so I will check that off the list even if it was technically last year

-Male 2: Talk about sports more
............I have definitely been slacking in the sports area. I think I'll start by watching the Red Wings....

-Director: Exercise more

-Male 3: Be more pleasing to the ladies 

-Male 4: Get caught up on the things I am behind on
............This one is also quite hilarious because this particular resident often appears catatonic....I can't imagine him having anything pressing on his mind.

-Male 5: Do more for others
............Yes again

-Male 6: LOVE and be LOVED
............AMEN, sir!

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