Monday, November 15, 2010

Body pillow

I haven't had much of interest to write about recently, but in one of my previous posts I said that I was going to start writing songs and I have been doing just that. As a result, my late-night thinking has developed from  random nonsense to rhymes about random nonsense. I have found it extremely satisfying, but poor Amy can attest to my serious lack of skill in this area. For example, here's what I was thinking last night about my body pillow. I bought it a few weeks ago and have fallen deeply in love. I can't believe I have lived my whole life without one!

My body pillow brings me joy
It takes the place of stupid boys
I wrap my arms around it tight
And sleep until the morning light


  1. Poor Amy? I don't think so. Lucky Amy!
    Also, I can't wait for what's next... body pillows, shaving, ????

  2. KATE....THIS JUST MADE MY DAY!!! Thank u!
