Friday, September 24, 2010


Apwoyo is the most commonly used word in the Acholi language. Literal translation: "Thank You." When I first arrived in Northern Uganda, I found it quite silly that the phrase "thank you" was being used as a greeting. To them, saying "Apwoyo" was no different than you or me saying "Hey, what's up." However, this simple gesture is a window into the heart of the Acholi people, who proved to be the most genuinely thankful people I have ever met.
So to begin my blog, I want to say Apwoyo. Hello, and thank you for being a part of my life.

Now let's get down to business. Why am I writing this blog? Maybe it's because "all the cool people are doing it", or because I have always found a sense of peace in writing about my feelings....but last night when I decided to do this it was for two main reasons:

1. When I'm laying in bed at 2:00 in the morning and I can't sleep, there are a lot of crazy things running through my brain at speeds reaching nearly 1,000,000 miles an I figured that sharing them with the world would not only provide a release for myself, but also a laugh for my friends and a few stray cyber-surfers. So if you enjoyed my facebook status last night...follow me! cuz that was only a preview of the wild and wacky brain of Katie Hunt.

2. I LOVE to read. My favorite books are the novels that get you really super emotionally involved without ever requiring the use of your Harry Potter, for example. Pure bliss. You might be wondering: how in the world does that inspire one to write a blog? Well here's how it works......I love to read. It's like eating Pringles..."once you pop, the fun don't stop." Consequently, I can read one or two novels a week, depending on the length. So let's say that I read two books a week and that each book costs saaayyyyyy about $12.00. Now multiply $25.00 a week (gotta add tax) by 52 weeks in a year and that's about $1,300! As a poor, poor, POOR, striving young adult.....I simply can't afford such a habit! Solution: find a new, FREE hobby - so now I'm blogging!


  1. The library, or used book store might be a good place to look for more books darling daughter! ;~)

  2. Kate! There is no sales tax in Montana. So you would save at least $52 a year on your book hobby. Also, I thought you said, "as a...poor, starving young adult..." and i was about to get on a plane right then headed to Okemos to make you some food!!

  3. Okay Kate, then I'm a poor, STARVING young when can I expect you? haha
